
When presenting – be generous!

Roxana Kia on her mission. There's a great misunderstanding in the Danish business arena. There's a dominant culture that presenting professionally means being data-based, serious, wordy, unpersonal and without body language. In other words: boring. That it's all about the powerpoints, information and the great amount of words. It couldn't be more wrong. It's deeply ineffective and [...]

Stage-effect in communication: It’s all about energy

Presence is the one and only quality you cannot avoid bringing to the stage when communicating authentically. It is a basic requirement for the audience’s experience of your credibility as a speaker. My experience as a trainer and an expert in authentic communication is that only very few speakers and leaders can truly activate this basic knowing in practice. Things such [...]

3 interviews (DR podcasts)

DR P1 (the Danish Broadcasting Corporation) made three radio programmes about Roxana Kia’s philosphy and her approach to life. In three radio broadcasts (in Danish) Roxana Kia reflects on passion, on dedication and motivation, and on igniting the hidden ressources inside every human being. – Dem, vi blive til, er sjældent dem vi er - listen here – Passionen er din livsgnist - [...]

2021-11-13T21:27:45+01:00Articles, Articles in the media|


Life is a big interruption. To plans, strategies & assumptions. The acceptance of the now, is the key to embrace this interruption and gain wisdom.

2021-11-13T22:01:06+01:00Articles, Curiosa and Insights|

Management under development

Article about the importance of authenticity in business executives’ personal communication (in Danish) Den største ressource du har i formidling er din ægthed. Her fortæller Roxana om autenticitet, nærvær og indflydelse i formidling og hvordan lederen kan gå foran som en troværdig rollemodel.

2021-11-13T22:05:28+01:00Articles, Articles in the media|

CIFS – Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies

Article about extraordinary organisations We need organisations and managers who take a stand about the world and the times we live in. That’s what Roxana Kia believes. She is a former theatre director and “chaos pilot,” and she makes her living creating presences and meaningful relationships in companies and organisations. She believes we create what we see, and that it [...]

2021-11-13T22:05:58+01:00Articles, Articles in the media|
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