
I’ve had the pleasure of working with Roxana through multiple coaching sessions in the last couple of years, and Roxana is truly a special person! She sees (right through!) you and has an eminent ability to develop your personal leadership. She does it with strong empathy, authentic interest and integrity. Do not hesitate to reach out to Roxana to accelerate your personal development!

Esben Kolind Laustrup
CEO, Bankdata

I have experienced Roxanas highly impactful work over multiple engagements over the years — including personal performance training, strategic thinking and organizational development. She is incredibly talented and professional, and always a true pleasure to collaborate with. I give Roxana my warmest recommendations.

Christian Basom
CEO, DDC – Danish Design Center

 Roxana Kia elevates even the most experienced communicator to a new level! With such a sensitive respect for your uniqueness as a human being, so that you communicate from the core of you.

A really life-affirming and life-changing learning experience that I tap into daily – both professionally and privately.

Hanne Storm Edlefsen
Vice President, Energy Islands

 Our chef at Dagmarsminde called me one day while I was sitting in the car on my way home.
– You must meet Roxana Kia, was his… demand.

I kind of got the impression that something was on fire, and when I met Roxana, there wasn’t just fire in the fireplace, but even more bright light around her. Everyone present in the room, had the same impression, I know this for sure.

I’ll try to keep this short.
I have never met such a clear-sighted, gifted and creative person. Never. 

Roxana is a beyond-extraordinary person. She must have been born to this world and this time for the reason of transforming people to do better. She does this with such a great precision. Not only in leadership and communication – but she’s like a messenger showing us how we can touch people in such a way, that we, quite simply, get a better world.

To anyone, who hase something to convey – and we all do – don’t hesitate reaching out to Roxana.

May Bjerre Eiby
Founder and CEO, Dagmarsminde

 Quite a revelation, attending a course in communication with brilliant Roxana Kia.

My profession is lecturing and teaching for almost twenty years now. Before the course with Roxana, I actually felt that I had very good control standing on a stage. But after two days in Roxana’s hands, I just have to admit that as a professional lecturer, you can always improve. And for me, it was specifically about getting control over my energetical body movements.

I’ve always believed, that speaking with enthusiasm, was one of my main strengths. I’m passionately committed to my topic and I have 117 things I want to convey. This means that my lectures run at a high pace and have many points. But it also means – I found out – that I speak in a high pitch, that I don’t look my audience in the eyes, and that I forget to make pauses that are essential for the rhythm of a good lecture.

After observing me for a few minutes, Roxana gave me one simple, personal tool, which for me, became a huge breakthrough for my way of communicating. 

Peter Svarre

Roxana masters a variety of skills to inspire and train innovative and transformative leadership and communication. Most important and unique is her ability to call and distill your personal motivation, strengths, and presence without ever losing touch with reality. Evolving and growing your leadership while only becoming more truly present as yourself – to the benefit of your performance and results as a leader and to the benefit of the people you lead as well as the sustainability of your efforts. In my experience, that is the central outcome of a professional and personal encounter with Roxana Kia. She is a catalyst of change who helps visions and dreams come to life and come true – without overseeing the challenges and possible failures involved.

Working with Roxana will not transform you and your task as a leader into something greater or different. It will make it more true and real.

Tine Smedegaard
Publisher and CEO, People’s

I’ve personally experienced the impact and huge value of Roxana’s coaching twice – both with the Danish Design Center (DDC) and with SOS Children’s Villages Denmark.

Roxana has a very unique and exceptionally strong way of reconnecting you (in my case, a comms professional with 20 years+ experience) with the most basically human aspects of communication and connection, be it in a professional or private sense: Syncing up with your own self and your personal strengths, being mindful of body, breath, poise, focus, the use of pause in a world of noise – and truly reaching out to whomever you’re trying to convey a message to, regardless of ‘channel’. Believe me, it works. Both her approach and the tools you acquire are no-nonsense and easily actionable. And not least, Roxana is sure to create a learning- and feedback space that is warm, trustful – and loads of fun.

Peter Kamph
Director, Communications & Partnerships, SOS Children’s Villages Denmark

I believe I’m quite self-aware and authentic, but Roxana helped me develop a new level of self-awareness. In my work, I need to be able to perform at peak levels every minute of every day. She guided me through the difficult process of finding my own personal source of energy and inspiration, so I can do what I’m best at and keep on being a high-performer.

There’s no one better than Roxana if you’re really ready to start on a proper rethink of yourself.

Lene Groth
Chief Human Resources Officer, Stark Group

Roxana Kia is a rockstar of opening hearts and guiding professional life paths. She has helped me elevate my life by shedding light on my course in life and my life mission (my big why), as well as identifying the barriers that I force onto my own life. This has transformed and lifted my career choices and priorities. Roxana has helped me nurturing a more holistic approach to my everyday living and my service to others. She has guided me to establish a rhythm to my life, with daily routines and guidelines that make all the difference. All this being said, Roxana has enriched me with a very concrete, comprehensive toolbox for verbal communication that helps me on an everyday basis during keynotes, workshops, and leadership/boardroom dialogue.

I sincerely recommend Roxana to be your next professional life coach and communication wizard.

Susanne Odgaard
Founder, Curie / Board Member, Aart

Roxana is a wonderful teacher with a unique capacity to see every persons gifts and talents. She helps her clients to find their voice through customized advice and coaching and she does it in such a delicate and fine tuned way that it blows my mind. She is truly one of a kind teacher that really help her clients to remove personal blockages to shine their light not only on stage but in other aspects of their life too. 

Cecilia Molvin
Head of Marketing and Communication, Gratinor Properties

I have participated in several of Roxana’s courses as well as one-to-one coaching. Roxana has a unique ability to bring out the authentic and distinctive essence and traits in any person. She has an extraordinary energy and can sense you. With just a few, simple exercises, she can shift one’s entire thoughts, focus and world.

She has challenged and guided me to become a much clearer and stronger leader, so that I can create a more conscious and dedicated impact. I can now achieve better results, with less effort.

The training has pushed me beyond what I believed was my limits and today I have a much greater awareness and integrity as a leader and communicator. I consciously use my strengths and my presence to inspire on a completely different level in all kinds of settings such as townhall meetings, board presentations, strategy seminars, everyday meetings, and life.

Roxana guides you to a greater insight and strengthens your presence. She releases, transforms, and helps manifest your potential.

Maria Kofoed Larsen
Group Vice President, Organisation & Strategy, DLG

If you want to ignite your authentic leadership and tap into your true power, there is no greater executive expert coach than Roxana Kia. Very few people have that extraordinary talent it takes to truly tune in and bring out the power and brilliance of another person. Roxana Kia has that exceptional talent.

Gitte Just

Roxana shed light on what ‘being me’ really involves, and helped me understand who I really am deep down and helped me emerge from there and unfold it – benefiting both myself and all those around me.

Right from the moment I first met Roxana I have felt seenreally seen. So from there, it has been about casting light on the next stages of development to start walking the path that my heart called me to take. Over the course of several years, I’ve enjoyed participating in several of Roxana’s Impact courses, as well as a retreat. Throughout this journey, I have had the feeling that Roxana has seen me, been aware of my development, shown me the way forward and supported me when needed. I have emerged on the other side as the finest, purest version of myself, and I now live every day in full accord with who I am deep inside, and with my overall life purpose. It gives me a much stronger personal resonance and enables me to make a bigger and better impression on the world around me.

I use several of Roxana’s communicative tools in my day-to-day life and I’m extremely grateful for having met Roxana. The experience has been priceless, as well as a marvellously magical journey.

Inge Kindberg
CEO, Five Units

I got to know Roxana Kia as a highly competent and empathetic teacher and an excellent judge of people. Under Roxana’s guidance, I found a path to resources that I did not know I had. I learned how to release these energies, and to anchor my leadership role in an authentic core. I learned to open up to an inner flow so that the things that are important to me can happen. 

Jakob Malling Lambert
CEO, Rosinante & Co, Denmark

A million thanks to Roxana for unique, valuable and useful training – a totally different, exciting and challenging “course experience”. It was guided and made possible by a woman of apparently limitless reserves of energy, and a never-ceasing flood of intelligent ideas and witty input. Your personal way of facilitating a creative and positive atmosphere, teaching communication techniques, developing our potentials and improving our abilities has been very productive. It is a mystery to me where you get all that energy from, which you then so brilliantly manage to pass on to us.

I can recommend your “Impact Communicator” course without reservation as a tool for preparing and developing communicative abilities, bringing energy to processes and meetings, and creating a positive, creative work atmosphere.

As a result, I will give selected employees in my organisation the opportunity to stimulate themselves and their potential by participating in your course. 

Karl Wolfgang Dubois
President, Bosch A/S, Region Northern Europe

I never thought a broom could help you communicate – I was wrong.

Roxana Kia’s Impact Communicator training is extraordinary and a “must have” for anybody who needs to communicate in an inspiring way – and who doesn’t?
We covered opera for voice training, speaking “Gibbedish” for stronger expression, different postures for different effects and a lot more. All was tailormade to the individual participant to start his/her individual transformation.

Highly recommendable for anybody from top executives to young talents.

Pernille Dahlgaard
VP, PSA International Pte Ltd

Roxana is a true artist who creates vivid masterpieces – and the masterpiece is YOU!

On the “Impact Communicator” 1 & 2 courses, I developed my own personal talent for communication, presentation and total impact. Where did it come from? From me! Wild! How do I know? Well, for the final test, I got feedback from a professional panel of judges. I finished last Friday and I’m FLYING!

How does it work in my particular environment? I experience genuine, authentic presence and an interest in my presentations, into which my rediscovered humour is now integrated in the most natural way.

Most important of all is that I can now stand in front of large gatherings and be 100% myself, with a surplus of energy that I can use to create an authentic contact and relationship with my audience! IT WORKS!!!! THANK YOU! 

Anne-Mette Elsborg
CEO – Managing Director, PJ Diesel Engineering A/S, Denmark

It was an absolute pleasure to work with Roxana. She is extremely professional and possesses an incredibly well-developed ability to see exactly where and how each of us can develop our personal potential.

I give Roxana my warmest recommendations! 

Christian Bason
CEO, Danish Design Center, Denmark

Roxana is an extraordinary Master of personal leadership development – with an almost supernatural ability to see peoples strengths and bring them forward. Herself a role model of integrity, she lifts her clients to a better and unique self. 

Lars Lundye
Creative Director, Alemr

We hired Roxana for a 1-year programme in personal communication and personal leadership throughout the whole organisation.

We are highly pleased with our collaboration with Roxana. It provides us with a new and different input compared with other programmes that we have previously been through. Roxana has a highly individual approach that gives everyone personal “tools” that they can use afterwards. These individual techniques are very specific and they have been used extensively, which means that everybody has grown and developed.

We have experienced new sides of ourselves and each other, and our sense of community and team spirit has been strengthened. And rarely have we laughed so much in such a serious and instructive context. 

Paul Brüniche-Olsen
CEO, Lærernes Pension A/S

Steen Schouenborg
Insurance Director, Lærernes Pension A/S, Denmark

We had a good and challenging day with Roxana, in which we – each with our own different challenges – got a very personalised, accurate and honest feedback on our communicative strengths.

One of Roxana’s key capabilities lies in her ability to quickly spot what each participant needs in relation to strengthening the very areas in which that individual feels weak.

The trick is that it is all quite simple and physical, which means that the exercises and tips remain relevant as well as being easy to apply in everyday life – and yet they have a huge effect. We will definitely use Roxana again because in just a short time she is able to give the participants something that lasts and that really makes a difference. 

Simon Viggers
Director, Human Resources & Communication, Novo Nordisk, Europe North and Central Denmark

As a professional speaker, it is a great pleasure to follow Roxana Kia’s course -and very insightful.  It clearly contributes to releasing inner potential that you may sense is there, but which I personally wasn’t able to clearly express until I actually worked more intensely with it, with the help of Roxana Kia.

Roxana has an unusual ability to see what is special with you as an individual, where your barriers are, and how to bring your hidden strengths to the surface in a very trustworthy manner. 

Emilia van Hauen
Speaker, sociologist and writer, Denmark

Never before have I been on a course where I learned so much that I actually use in my day-to-day life. Right from exercises that prevent nervousness and exercises that help me when I’m confronted with a task that seems prohibitively difficult, to key phrases that conveniently pop up in normal life and seem to guide me in the right direction.

Roxana is very good at “seeing” people. She also understands how to convey what she sees. and to transform it into exercises that target you as an individual, and that you need to become a better and more authentic communicator and leader. The course therefore addresses your needs at a very individual level, while you benefit from participating in a group and follow other people’s processes of change.

My communication has become more captivating. It’s much more direct, and I’m much more successful at saying what I want, in a manner I feel comfortable with. It has been a unique experience for me to practice situations where I encounter resistance both in myself and in others. This kind of practical, useful exercises has produced results for me at work, so I’ve become a better leader because I can field more resources if and when I meet resistance.

For me, the mix of practical exercises, reflections about my own practice and a gentle nudge to get me started has created a process that is still ongoing.

I work as a professional singer and leader, and this course was completely perfect for examining how I behave in terms of being an authentic leader and facilitator. 

Else Schantz Juutilainen
Professional singer and Team leader, Væksthuset (Greenhouse job market consultants), Denmark

I attended the “Impact Communicator” 1, 2 & 3 programmes led by Roxana Kia. In my role as a Customer Experience Manager, the ability to drive change, create enthusiasm, understanding and commitment is crucial to success.

When I now look back on the last two most recent years of my career, I can say that (thanks to the great focus on personal leadership and communication that I acquired through the three courses) I managed to achieve and acquire just those skills – an inner conviction, useful, personal tools and a lot of hard work helped create the platform I wanted and worked for.

My determination and energy would still have existed without Roxana Kia’s courses, but I would not have known how to apply them, and would not have had the tools I need and would not have had the sounding board and coaching that Roxana provides.

To take a course with Roxana Kia isn’t just about being an audience – if you want that you should go elsewhere. With Roxana, it is YOU that does the work. With her at your side. This applies during the actual course, but above all between courses. This is really where the work is done, and where all the techniques and tools become one’s own. It also explains why her courses make a difference. As a participant, you undergo a transformation. And it is sustainable. For real.

I now feel I can stand up tall and straight. Strong and proud. I know what I’m doing, why I do it and how to do it. I have successfully changed an entire organisation. With Roxana behind me. 

Marie-Christine Lindström
Customer Experience Manager, Nordea Bank, Private Banking, Sweden

Forget about traditional presentation techniques with rules and guidelines for what you “must do” and what you “absolutely must not do” when performing! Roxana’s course in personal communication is in a whole different league and is simply fantastic. She knows how to move each participant right to where it’s good to be – in a sensitive and respectful way. She “sees” the unique potential in each course participant and with her positive and intuitive approach conjures forth exactly what it takes to get each participant to flourish in full bloom.

For me personally, it has meant a major breakthrough. From anxiety about “performing” if there were more than two people in the room to be prepared to stand up in front of 100 people – and even enjoy it!

Belinda Donkin
Founder & CEO HeartTeam, Denmark

Through my attendance at Roxana Kia courses, my staff and I have felt a definite positive change in my leadership and communication. My participation in the “Impact Communicator” 1, 2 & 3 programmes, and a mutually trusting environment that Roxana manages to create, has launched a process of personal development I had not imagined possible, and I can only encourage anyone who has the courage to do the same.

The whole experience is, of course, tied to Roxana’s abilities, and she never disappoints. I am always amazed at how much new I can still learn from Roxana, two years after meeting her for the first time.

A general comment would be that the “Impact Communicator” courses  are difficult to explain in writing – they have to be experienced! 

Søren Schødt
Founder of Schødt A/S, Denmark

The courses “Impact Communicator” 1, 2 & 3, has been a great journey with so much fun and personal growth. Despite having attended numerous other courses on personal development and communication throughout the years, Roxana Kia’s courses has been very special to me. The combination of a certain amount of theory with lot’s of practice in a safe environment makes it a perfect playground. You may find some of the exercises unusual and they may take you out of your comfort zone. However, I can promise you that you will significantly improve your skills in speaking from the core, and thereby improve your communication skills. 

Torben Storgaard-Larsen
Senior Manager, Prototyping & Test Centre, Novo Nordisk A/S, Denmark

We were a group of leaders – both highly experienced and non-experienced – all confronted with big challenges in terms of change. Our starting-point lay a need for a theoretical foundation in communication, connected to hands-on training. We needed to learn how to communicate a message with intention and how to really have an impact when delivering that message.

Roxana therefore designed a modular programme over nine months and featuring individual themes. It turned out that the programme actually  contained much more than what we had actually ordered. Roxana met every single one of our executives at the exact point they had reached in their  personal development. She then guided us with great skill on a path to our personal communication and executive presence, doing so with warmth, spirit, energy, empathy and insight.

Not only did this programme establish a strong network and connection in our group of leaders, it also created a shared enthusiasm for personal leadership. Every single KMD executive has enhanced and strengthened his or her own personal communication skills.
And –  last but not least – every participant from this programme has become an extraordinary experience richer. Thank you, Roxana! 

Mette Helmer
Area Director, KMD, Denmark

Roxana Kia is one of a kind. She has a laser eye for potential and what is stopping a person or a group from living it and she knows exactly how to unleash the potential she finds. She has a very unique cultural background which gives her a strong empathy for other people. She is trained in a multitude of skills, which gives her a wide array of tools to draw from. Any time spent with Roxana is well invested. You always leave her company touched, healed, inspired and transformed. My warmest recommendations.

Kirsten Stendevad
Founder, Illuminary Leadership Academy

 I have participated in Roxana Kia’s courses Impact Communicator 1, 2 and 3. This is by far the best investment I have ever made. It’s the most transforming education I’ve given myself.
As a professional speaker, I have reached a completely new level of impact through Roxana’s guidance. The most satisfying effect of Roxana’s work, is that I have gained so many effective techniques that I easily can apply to my communication and my leadership – both when preparing and delivering.

My performance today is clearly more authentic and I’m way better at connecting to my audience and creating a desired impact. I feel more complete and comfortable as a speaker. Also, the quality of I my everyday work has improved and become simpler.
As an add-on, a day spent with Roxana is a day full of energy, excitement and so much fun! 

Renate Skaue Jørgensen
Owner, professional speaker and consultant at Skauro, Norway

Two days where I laughed non-stop!

I came to the course drooping from a dreary January and returned home bubbling with energy, enough to encourage and cheer up a whole family.

I signed up for this course in personal communication because I wanted to learn to love being “on stage” and because of recommendations from previous participants who were very enthusiastic. Just as I am now doing, they recommended the course to anyone who needs to sell, do presentations, give lectures, perform or simply develop their personal skills.

I often get asked to give lectures about my books, etc., so I’d previously been on a three-day course in presentation skills. At that time I returned home with a clear conviction that being “on stage” is just not for me.

But due to Roxana’s concrete, vivid effects and her ability to create a fantastically encouraging atmosphere, this time I returned home with a great feeling that I can overcome my own doubts and my “little rebel inside” may now also emerge on stage one day. I’ve now seen the light.

In addition, the course was both very entertaining and instructive. It was exciting to see Roxana work with the other students and to participate actively in the whole process – everyone received “special treatment”.

So, dear Roxana, here 2–3 weeks after your course I’m still flying…

Tina Scheftelowitz
Cookbook author, product developer, entrepreneur
Mother of Sovereign Salads, etc. Flora’s coffee shop and Amokka, Denmark

On the “Impact Communicator 1” course, I was already “blown away” by how Roxana can challenge and change one’s communication habits in such a short time (two days!).

I went home with a whole toolbox of practical tips and good advice that I will never forget and still use.

Then came the “Impact Communicator 2” programme, in which we really went into the depths with ourselves and travelled far and wide around the subject of communication. Each session was an oasis of joy, learning and development. I learned more about myself and was able to approach a clear personal standpoint for my communication – which brings out the best in me.

In “Impact Communicator 3” programme, we worked very deeply with the purpose of life – again in a fabulous manner in which challenges and support go hand in hand.

I thoroughly recommend Roxana and her work – and I would even willingly take each of the courses again. Roxana provides a special form of “heartfulness” and a great learning experience. 

Katja Andersen
Principal Industry Consultant, Teradata, Denmark

I have attended many courses in my career, but never have I had two such enriching days. It was a fantastically positive experience in the company of a group of wonderful people.

It was incredible to see how Roxana was able to work with each of us – to see the change in expression and body language, seeing how the each individual grew in stature and found peace in their own distinctive form of expression.

Personally, for the first time ever I received a number of “tools” that I could use to effectively address the challenges I’ve worked with for many years. It’s the first time I actually feel a course has made a difference, and not just with one small step, but with many big ones.

Jeannett Dimsits
Associate Global Clinical Project Director, International Medical officer, Novo Nordisk A/S, Denmark

Rarely have I felt so inspired and enriched. Roxana spans the entire spectrum. She is wonderful to behold while in action with her vivid body language, varied vocalisations and a sharp powers of observation and intuition. She quickly identified what each of us needed to develop.

I left the course with good sense of where my personal development efforts should lie, and with several specific models and tools that I can use in my day-to-day work. I highly recommend Roxana as a process artist because she possesses exactly the right combination of professional skills and appreciation of people.

Marianne Koldby
Managing Partner, Øshopping, Denmark
HR Coach & NLP and Enneagram Master

The “Impact Communicator” courses have – on several different levels – caused me to relax with regard to my communication efforts – and also with myself as a leader. We learned a wide range of tools in terms of focus and to vary the ways of putting any desired message across. We also learned to look into the core of what each of us stands for and would like to communicate – and then how to occupy that particular space when we “take the stage”.

Along the way, it has been both fun, touching and warm, and a lot of personal boundaries have been pushed. You go home each day after the course as a person different from the one who arrived earlier in the morning, full of detailed preparation and way too much verbal baggage. Roxanne challenges you along the way, but it all happens in a very comfortable and pleasant way, so you hardly notice that you’re overstepping your previous limitations.

As a manager, you gradually become much better at “being yourself” and sensing your own inner integrity. This means it takes a lot more to up-end you, because you’re always keenly aware of where you really stand. It has been a very long and inspiring journey, and it’s not over when the last course is finished. 

Hanne Birgitte Jørgensen
Editorial manager (primary schools), The Danish Union of Teachers, Denmark

The course is entitled “Impact Communicator”. That title is certainly accurate, and very much to the point. It is the most personal course I have ever attended.

Any “course sceptic” is proven wrong and any natural scepticism is replaced by a series of “aha”-experiences. There are no superficial exercises or techniques – everything is carefully considered. The result is a journey, in which you laugh and cry together – completely safe in Roxana’s experienced, gentle and insisting hands. Everyone comes to shore safely – and much wiser about themselves.

The best recommendation I can give this course is that I actually do recommend it far and wide. 

Søren Lindhardt
Area Director, Danish Broadcasting Corporation – DR, Denmark

I have had the pleasure of working with Roxana, both as a business partner and as participant in a process for my colleagues and I. I am deeply enthralled by her unique ability to move people – both in their personal development and emotions while communing with each other and with Roxana. It is fun, inspiring and moving to experience how Roxana manages to bring out the best in people and groups. She creates an acknowledging as well as challenging arena for development. She makes one dare to take that extra step necessary for unfolding ones unique potential.

Roxana can sense a special depth in communication, which can be difficult to put into words and which most people therefore don’t really understand how to work with. But which she pulls out the spots and works with these aspects  via bodily exercises, immersion and personal feedback. You are not quite the same person after being on a course with Roxana. 

Trille Frodelund Lykke
Chief Consultant, Rambøll Management, Attractor, Denmark

A million thanks for the amazing days with your “Impact Communicator” course. Nothing could have prepared me for the changes these two days would bring.

You have the ability to spot and encourage the best in each individual. After only a few minutes of exercises, one course participant after the other changed right before our eyes. It was magical.

I wondered how this was possible? What was I really seeing and experiencing? When is it my turn? I want it NOW!

I have gained new knowledge that releases A LOT of energy, confidence, creativity and playfulness. This energy is infectious, in any gathering of people, and life becomes an enrichment.

A million thanks Roxana, for simple tools and techniques that I can use to motivate myself, as well as others. 

Siv-Grete Lea
CEO, Gjestdal Møbelfabrikk AS, Norway

Honestly, I didn’t believe that an experienced old hand like me could learn so much. Wow, that really got me. I was surprised!

Roxana has quite an unusual ability to put pieces of one’s puzzle together, so that a revelation suddenly arises where before there was just an ingrained habit. It is so good and healthy to get such a “shake-up and wake-up” – and wonderful with all those practical techniques that I could use the day after.

And it is just as inspiring and a good learning experience to see the other participants’ breakthroughs – and thus a loving reminder that the act of actually standing up in front of an audience is quite a unique and important ability, and one that you should enjoy practicing and refining all through your life. 

Anne Skare Nielsen
Chief Futurist, Futurenavigator, Denmark

Roxana gave me and the whole team two marvellous days in which theory and exercises supported each other, and gave me concrete tools for improving my personal communication.

The personal, razor-sharp manner with which Roxana addresses each participant – with a wholly customised toolbox for improving his or her personal presentation skills – is simply amazing.

I was completely flabbergasted by this course – as well as uplifted and enormously enriched. 

Ida Elisabeth Kongsø
Marketing Coordinator, Gyldendal Education, Denmark

Roxana has an amazing ability to see the uniqueness of the individual and how this uniqueness can be used in communication.

In addition to having received a treasure trove of techniques I can apply, I have also gotten access to inner resources I had no idea that I had.

When Roxana works with you, it gets right under your skin – this is training with a lasting effect. 

Hanne Roulund
Business Development Manager, State of Green Consortium, Denmark

Forget about photocopies, PowerPoint presentations and lectures – use yourself instead. Roxana understands how to create and maintain a focus and intimacy within a casual atmosphere, so that you completely forget about time and place. You constantly feel how you’re developing and discovering new personal strengths.

You also see how your fellow course participants simply blossom in front of your eyes, full of energy, while you embrace new techniques that awaken your urge to dive into challenges that you would previously have been wary of tackling. A really great course – highly recommended. 

Lars Højlund Christensen
Director, Novozymes North America, Novozymes A/S, Denmark

I participated in “Impact Communicator 2” programme – a challenging and stimulating programme!

The first time I met Roxana Kia was when I attended a business course about appreciative leadership. It was exciting, instructive and – for me personally – challenging as well as eye-opening. It made me want more. Roxana recommended the “Impact Communicator 2” programme which she reckoned would be right for me.

I was a bit sceptical on the first day, but over the eight days the programme lasted I had to increasingly surrender to the recognition that the programme is extremely rewarding as well as having a big impact on personal development. You are constantly challenged and “moved” by Roxana’s highly professional combination of support/empathy and a kick in the pants.

This is all backed by a lot of specific, practical techniques. For example, how to make lectures/presentations more exciting and how to overcome resistance, and thus eliminate limitations or barriers. During the programme, you get specific tasks and ongoing valuable feedback from the other participants and, of course, from Roxana.

The programme is like a crisp red apple, and if you want to taste it, I recommend that you participate in it. 

Lars Ingemann
Head of Finance, PBU, Denmark

Roxana masters an art form that is difficult to describe in words – the best thing is to experience her in action. After the “Impact Communicator” 1 & 2 courses, I am now able to be 100% present in myself regardless of the condition and situation I find myself in, as a result of the support from her ultimate empathy and concentrated innovative energy.

Her quivering presence, sublime craftsmanship and know-how, and her deliberate, conscious use of universal energies caused me to make quantum leaps in my consciousness. This results in me standing on an entirely new platform in every situation in my life, at times when I need to communicate what’s in my heart. In professional terms, pre-performance nerves – before or during the actual presentation – are now only a thing of the past.

Being a witness to the other participants’ transformations in the course of the programme has also been a true bonus. Roxana’s centrifugal power got us all to articulate things not normally expressed, opening our wings so we could fly to new inner and outer landscapes in an atmosphere of humour and ease.

All this has taught me to push the old automatic pilot-approach to judging other people into the background. When I perceive other people with the loving energy Roxana revealed to us, I am filled with joy and gratitude and help myself from the magnificent buffet of human diversity, with huge appetite. 

Susanne Bruggisser
Senior Consultant, ProPerson Consult, Denmark

As an expert in innovation processes, I love the feeling of spotting new opportunities that I really believe can make a difference. That’s one reason why there’s nothing worse than not being able to actually implement such opportunities, because I didn’t succeed in getting people interested in exploring the new ideas – and I cannot get the job done by myself.

The experience I have today is fortunately different, because Roxana began to strengthen my ability to get through to other people. Via the “Impact Communicator” 1, 2 & 3 programmes I have been given access to resources that I had no idea that I had. I have had so many experiences with using my body, appearance and voice to put my messages across that they are now a natural part of my day-to-day work. Most importantly, I have discovered and delved into my own unique communication strengths, so it’s these – and not any rehearsed methods – that now guide my relations to others.

I would therefore strongly recommend that even more people give themselves the opportunity to strengthen their personal communication clout through “Impact Communicator” programmes. 

Jakob Schjørring
Project Manager, MindLab, Denmark

Roxana has an ability to establish a safe space in which we unreservedly can go over the edge – feeling certain that we’ll land safely.

It IS possible to express your authentic self in such a short time! THANKS!

Charlie Steenberg
CEO, architect, Jordan + Steenberg, professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Denmark

Dear Roxana

I am still filled with the magic that I experienced on the “Impact Communicator 2” programme. Perhaps the biggest benefit for me personally is with regard to my children. There is no doubt that Louis, Adam and Carl-Oscar have now got an even better father. When I see them, they react promptly, and with a much stronger contact. It is so amazing!

In my work as a senior consultant, it has also been an eye-opener to discover how effective it is when I use myself authentically. Compared with before, when I made a virtue out of a withdrawn, neutral facilitating style, I now experience greater impact as well as increased commitment and engagement from the participants, due to my more vivid and visible way of facilitating workshops.

For me, the absolute magnificent thing about your method is that you showed me the way to bypass my self-imposed mental limitations. The result has been a distinctive new experience that’s much more physically rooted. All other instructors use their intellect (although they say otherwise), but your approach manages to go directly into the body. Your focus on new kinds of behaviour – rather than dwelling on resistance and endless reflections that only reinforce old barriers as well as building new ones – is extremely effective. Thank you!!!

I am deeply, deeply fascinated that you are indeed the living proof that your material works. You have a power, a humanity and a radiant sincerity that I cannot recall ever having seen before. In addition to being an outstanding facilitator, you represent a view of life that is very, very inspiring.

So thanks again, Roxana, because you so generously give of yourself and share all your gifts! 

Gunnar Näsman
Design Manager, DSB, Denmark

Roxana has a very distinctive skill. She is able to “see” her students and make them feel seen, as well as being able to spot the potential that each person is ready to unfold.

In addition, she has her own unique style and her presence and her beautifully positive behaviour are a source of inspiration in themselves.

I warmly recommend this Impact Communicator course, from which I have received such huge benefit.

Anne Christine Hagedorn
CEO Essential Life, author, Denmark

The Impact Communicator course was a dramatic and groundbreaking turning point for me, and helped to move a big weight from my shoulders, with quite a bang. Never have I experienced two such intense days that triggered so infinitely much energy, freedom and openness with the group, and with Roxana as the instructor and underlying fixed point.

Those around me immediately noticed the change in my way of being “present” in any given situation. I have also countless times received new recognition and praise for who I am and the work I do. The best thing is that the core of me has been awakened. I no longer need to apply new capabilities or to remember how I need to behave in different situations. It’s all a great feeling of freedom, in which a sense of presence, happiness and inspiration emerges.

Roxana Kia has awakened me to life, and released energies that I didn’t think existed. She has shown me how to meet people on an equal footing, and to bring out the best in myself and others. This results in immense satisfaction, a joy and zest for life that are contagious, wherever I am, and that make me productive and creative.

I will thank Roxana Kia for the rest of my life. I am deeply grateful to her. When it comes to personal communication, her course is all that’s needed to succeed, both at work and in private life.

Trine Madsen Dagø

Roxana ”walks her talk”. Rarely have I experienced a course so creative and challenging and that at the same time creates a sense of security and positive growth. Roxana bears a wealth of knowledge and methods in a unique, authentic manner.

Roxana seems to be a constant source of surprises, which is so inspiring and so much fun that I haven’t experienced anything like this before – and it’s all driven by a woman with a sense of genuineness and warmth.

Roxana bears both ancient wisdom and modern methods in an authentic, innovative package that is deeply inspiring and encouraging for artists, business executives, teachers and everyone who wants to change and to create new opportunities.

It has changed me and opened up whole new dimensions in my life.

Else-Marie Bierlich
Anthropologist, Denmark

Roxana is in a class all by herself. She is an amazing woman with so much power, and it is a pleasure to be in any room with her. I have been on many courses, but never one that had such a profound effect. And I don’t think I’ll ever forget her advice, shouts and exercises. It’s like being a new person – or, more correctly – getting a much firmer grip on yourself.

I hope it will have a knock-on effect on my personal “presence” and on the way I behave. It was the best course I’ve ever been on. I can only recommend everyone to take one of her courses. Many thanks to whoever sent us to Roxana! 

Member of staff
from Danmarks Radio (Danish Broadcasting Corporation), Denmark

The “Impact Communicator 1” course was a wonderfully positive experience, and your way of getting under the skin of people and making them grow is quite outstanding!

I have already referred you to several people in my network. 

Ture Wibrand
Creative Manager, PLUS PEOPLE,  Denmark

I participated in Roxana Kia’s “Impact Communicator 1” course and what a pleasure it was! I have previously participated in many courses focused on presentation skills and communication and Roxana’s master class is a pure Formula 1 race in comparison with these, taking into consideration the benefits I acquired.

Roxana knows exactly how to create an immensely positive spirit during the course. This then opens up an extremely trusting and constructive learning environment, based on practical exercises rather than lots of theory. Add to this Roxana’s amazing ability to see and work with each participant’s innate strengths and personal, authentic expression in communication and the highly tailored and individual coaching, which all meant we each got to develop these skills still further.

I benefited greatly from the personal coaching and also learned a lot from witnessing Roxana’s work with the other participants. Thank you for a very powerful and uplifting experience that remains embedded in the body as a natural asset. 

Klaus Stahl Rasmussen
Head of OSS Integration Practice, Nokia Siemens Networks A/S, Denmark

After having been on a communication course with Roxana, I have had a new side of myself opened up – something I have long been in need of, but haven’t dared do anything about. I now feel so enriched, exhilarated and filled with a great desire to put across the messages I’ve been keeping back on for many years.

What’s unique about Roxana and her performance training is that she managed to make us all feel safe and happy in record time. Throughout all the exercises and eye-opening experiences we were slowly but surely made ready to develop from caterpillars and emerge into beautiful butterflies that in our own way communicate strongly and compellingly to our audience. No fear, no inhibitions – just strong, focused communication and storytelling. I still feel quite “high” on it all.

Back in my customer service job, I received immediate response from those around me. I now experience that what I want to say gets through more clearly and therefore has a greater impact. The same applies in the private sphere, with friends and family.

I have never experienced it being possible to so quickly apply newly learned techniques. I have simply become significantly better – right from day one! Thank you for Roxana. I feel like a new-born great communicator!

Iben Guldager Nielsen
Customer Service, Energimidt A/S, Denmark

Roxana immediately catches the participant’s attention with her contagious energy and presence. It’s no picnic to be on the course with her. You are really being worked on – even more than you can feel in the actual moment. The course and the energy from it resonate for a long time afterwards. Insights from the work we did often appear exactly when you need them. 

Terkel Skårup
Senior Consultant, WorkZ A/S, Denmark

 I want to share with you my enthusiasm about a course that I have just taken part in. On Thursday and Friday last week, I took part in Roxana Kia’s Impact Communicator course.

My main intention was to strengthen my oral presentation skills, as I’m having to do more and more lectures. I love to talk – even to large groups – but have often felt that maybe I “should” be a little more “in your face” in my presentation style, or at least use more gestures and move around more.

The big, unique strength in this particular course was that we didn’t get squeezed into a one-size-fits-all model with tips and techniques on how to best communicate. On the contrary – I learned how I can communicate with maximum integrity and authority. I was seen and recognised for my individual strengths as a communicator and got useful feedback on how to use and to strengthen my unique mode of expression – i.e. the essence of me.

It was great to be “seen” at my full potential and to let go of the “should” approaches forever. And for those who may already shudder at the idea of delivering a presentation in front of a group of fellow course participants, I can say that here it was 100% safe and 500% fun.

This was one of the best courses I’ve taken for years, and I can really highly recommend it!

Pernille Melsted
Author and coach, Denmark

It is extremely rewarding to be on a course where I am seen as a unique human being. Roxana does this when she works with us, she sees us all uniquely. Her stunning blue eyes pierce right under your skin and through all the layers of protection – in which she then finds hidden treasures, beauty, authenticity and huge talents. Then she takes all this and brings it all forth in each and every one of us.
Wild! Beautiful!

To see person after person transform dramatically in front of your eyes, using fairly simple yet extremely precise methods, is an eye-opener of rank. And it’s something I remember and use every day.

I feel that the master class makes me become a person I cherish more and more – someone who is coming to believe that standing up in front of other people and really conveying an important message – so they actually want to listen – is something that will one day be a great natural part of me.

To feel my inner power shoot out through the muscles, through my head, out of the whole body and out of my mouth is a mesmerising experience, and that is without a doubt the biggest reward I’ve reaped from this course. 

Jane Pedersen
Group R & D Consultant, DONG Energy, Denmark

In my experience, Roxana Kia is a process manager who has truly mastered her craft. She is able to work with what’s happening in the room, and releases the potential latent in other people.

She facilitates a process that leaves a strong impression on the individual, and creates real dynamics in groups.

Rosa Lind
Head of Talent Management in Wholesale Banking HR, Denmark

I would like to say thank you! It was completely amazing and inspiring. Your ability to see what is needed for each person to fulfil his or her full potential and get rid of their inner barriers is stunningly unique. It was amazing to witness how my colleagues transformed as a result of your advice and exercises. 

Henriette Kahre Freris
Growth Consultant, Væksthus Copenhagen, Denmark

The Ringkøbing Fjord Job Centre conducted a very good and effective staff day, attended by 50 people. The purpose consisted of finding shared synergy targeted at a shared vision, to get to know each other better, to practice some concrete dialogue and collaboration tools, and to generally establish “ownership” of the organisational development process.

We hired Roxana Kia to help ensure coherence between all the different processes in the course of the day. The feedback from everyone who attended was that Roxana Kia was able to manage a complex process with great authority, so that the day became highly instructive as well as being a positive experience.

That which truly characterises Roxana is her clarity and charisma. 

Niels Jorgen H Madsen
Centre Manager, Ringkøbing Fjord Job Centre, Denmark

As a consultant for our department, Roxana Kia was the lead for a seminar on cooperation and communication, where we needed something that was tailored to our specific situation. Roxana’s empathy and impressive skills as a catalyst for change together resulted in a highly valuable outcome for the group and for each participant.

We would particularly like to highlight the communication of a shared understanding of the cooperative working relationships, and the spot-on constructive feedback regarding personal communication. 

Claes Frier
Sustainability Development Center, NOVOZYMES, Denmark

Novozymes has made use of Roxana Kia’s unique skills in a programme we call the Novozymes International Leadership Workshop – a collaboration that has now continued for more than four years.

Roxana has a rare ability to combine a great insight into intercultural understanding and interpersonal processes with a fantastically contagious engagement and a highly-developed sense of situation. This all adds up to a very high degree of credibility regarding her person and in the assignments she has dealt with for us – a quality that we value as being very important! 

Michael Jakobsen
People & Organisation, People Development Consultant, Novozymes A/S, Denmark

It was incredibly rewarding to attend Roxana Kia’s master class in personal communication. Through exciting exercises together with the other participants, it opened up for a form of communication totally different from anything I have ever experienced before.

As a participant, I was fascinated by Roxana’s way of teaching. This is the first time I have seen such a dedicated teacher with such an immense number of cards to play. It is evident that Roxana is a trained actress and has broad experience as a teacher.

Roxana’s teaching and feedback to each participant was extremely different and wholly tailored to each participant. She was aware of each participant’s particular skills and made them visible to all of us. As a team, we had an excellent working relationship, and it was very exciting and rewarding to follow the other participants’ progress during the course.

My personal benefit was that the course helped release energies that had been locked in for ages. It was great to get them pulled out into the open, so that I can consciously use them again. It feels like a rejuvenation that awakens the senses, and my relationship to other people has since become much more straightforward.

It is almost unbelievable that a two-day course can have so much impact!!! 

Ulla Hedegaard
Leader for Grindsted Udviklingcenter (Grindsted Development Centre), Denmark

Roxana Kia has a unique ability to “read” a person’s essence and to implement the exercises or to whisper the keys needed to release this essence I have seen people transform themselves from small grey mice to power-filled, radiant individuals in just two days.

Many performance coaches make people aware of everything that doesn’t work. Roxana is just the opposite – she brings out the best in people, and you leave her sessions filled with presence and strength. I don’t know anyone who has been anything but deeply grateful to work with Roxana Kia, and I can highly recommend both her short and long courses.

She is a rare gem: a cosmopolitan, bringing together many cultures and fields, ranging from many years of study and practice of Native American wisdom, to anarchistic cultural management and the dramatic arts to a deep awareness of energy, collective intelligence and new forms of leadership.

Roxana is like an exquisite work of art – difficult to describe adequately. My best advice is to simply experience her! 

Kirsten Stendevad
Author, lecturer, Goddess School, Kirsten International, Denmark

Roxana – a communication course with a difference!

Dare I say it – it was both hilarious and instructive! I’ve become very conscious of how I get more energy and place more of myself upfront when I hold meetings and make presentations.

The training takes place in small groups so that each person really has the opportunity to participate 100% actively and with very constructive personal feedback from each participant and – not least – from Roxana and her great human insight.

I can only recommend this course, whether you are used to performing or it is a new challenge. 

Erik L. Jakobsen
Operations Manager, Renoflex Group, Denmark

This is a course you just MUST take!

Roxana Kia’s course in personal communication was recommended to me. Now that I have participated myself, I just have to recommend it highly to anyone who wants and needs to work with his or her personal communication skills.

That was two amazing days, and you, Roxana, are nothing less than a unique human being. You are able to use your experience, your knowledge and your passion so well. I was really impressed that you can “spot” each individual’s potential and make it come alive with such simple and entertaining techniques. I felt so enriched and could really use what I learned in practice. I also got a lot of tricks for good project and meeting management.

It was SO much better, funnier and more effective than the vast number of other similar courses! 

Gitte Larsen
Project manager/editor, Institute for Futures Studies, Denmark